How to protect joints and spine


Did you know that our bones lose calcium very quickly if there is a magnesium deficiency in the blood? And no matter how many glasses of milk are in the diet, calcium passes in transit through the digestive tract and is quickly excreted from the body. ⠀

What is the threat? Calcium is not retained in the body, its level in the blood decreases, and an alternative way of replenishment is found: taken from the bones. This is how osteoporosis develops gradually. ⠀

A stoop, poor posture, pathological fragility of bones are formed. Usually, people do not even know about the problem until they break a limb during an allegedly not serious fall.

By the way, not only bones suffer, but also joints. With a lack of microelements, the vessels supplying the cartilage tissue spasm, respectively, the blood supply decreases and various problems arise, from inflammation to serious deformities. ⠀

What’s the conclusion? Protect your skeleton and replenish magnesium stores in your body. Magnesium Oil from Dr. MagnesiumTM.