As washing the nose with a salt solution can help with allergies.

Spring – the time of awakening nature and half aulinosis at the same time. Seasonal allergies of the spring period originates in early April, when birch and alder begins, and ends in May.

How seasonal allergies manifests:
– In the eyes – redness, tearing, feeling “Socinets”, fear of light, itching.
– In the nose – runny nose, decline in smell, sneezing, itching and its embezzlement. It is distinguished from the nasal sinuses, the mucus of a characteristic liquid, transparent consistency.
– respiratory system – shortness of breath, difficulties in the implementation of exhalation, rapid breathing, attacks of suffocation (with pollen bronchial asthma) frequent dry and exhaust cough.
– less often there is a rash on the body, urticaria.

Such physical manifestations for all signs resemble an ARVI, characteristic of this season. A distinctive feature between viral infection and seasonal allergies is the lack of elevated body temperature.

Washing the nose with physiological saline removes dryness of the nasal mucosa, reduces inflammation and restores the natural moisture and pH of the mucous membrane.

Also, washing the nose with a large volume of the salt solution helps to reduce the viscosity of the nasal secret, remove the nasal congestion and improve the nasal breathing.

Salt solutions for washing the nose also helps to maintain the normal functioning of the cilia on the nasal mucosa.

Eyelashes are small, similar to the hair structure that helps to moisturize the air, going to your lungs, delay the bacteria so that they do not get into the cells, and participate in the recognition of odors.

A saline for washing helps to remove the pollen from the nasal mucosa. Its effectiveness increases if using such a solution after walking on the street.

For patients with pollen allergies, it is recommended to do from one to three irrigations per day in the flowering season before using nasal sprays.

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